What is Quality Assurance

In this blog I would like to present what is quality assurance.
Before understanding the concept of quality assurance let us explore the generic buying process of any customer.
Every  customer would like to purchase any of goods or article. In this case a customer is having certain, clear or defined expectations that it would fulfill his/ her requirements.
Say for example if our customer would like to purchase smartphone. in this case the expectation is communication and device must be useful for multi purpose.
As we all experience the uses of smartphone in current World and the smart phone is a device used  for the communication, socializing, financial transactions, gaming knowledge, taking photographs, vedios, sharing and also caring with greatest reliable durability.
if I convert the paragraph into quality terminology these requirements or expectations will be known as specifications.
As a whole if I group the above paragraph into two different specifications one is the device must be useful for multi purpose majorly communication and durability.
now if you see the terminology reliability is the major concern of any customer because he is going to spend huge amount of money on the device.
now the customer approaches a salesperson for eCommerce website we will look into how should I trust the performance of the device.
And the question comes who is going to provide the reliability are certificate of it performance to the customer.
it is none other than Quality Assurance if you see any product it will be wearing a label QC tested are a guarantee or warranty information.
simply the salesperson will show the label or tag it is guaranteed are it has some warranty are it is having some certification therefore the customer is not trusting the sales person but the document ((Bill/Receipt) or the certificate or the information card are the guarantee card or the warranty card.
now the question comes who is going to provide this reliability certificate or warranty guarantee cards. Yes, he is none other than the person who is working in quality assurance in the organisation.
therefore Quality Assurance is having authorisation to provide the information card on guarantee our warranty on the performance of the goods are articles that are being purchased by a customer.
Now the question comes is that simple to provide guarantee and warranty card to Quality Assurance guy?.
Yes this quality assurance that I will trust the other stakeholders in the company like quality control production where house purchase and his component suppliers.
the bundle of this confidence or trust will make quality assurance personal to provide certificate on its performance or warranty or guarantee of the device or goods or articles.
from a paragraph there are few words that we must remember that requirements dictations specifications are the part of customer with which is going to satisfy our fulfill his needs.
therefore the ultimate goal of any business is to satisfy the requirements are needs of the customer with ultimate performance of the services are goods provided to the customer.
Quality Assurance plays a vital role in answering the queries that would be raised by the customer Management for regulatory authorities are national governing bodies.
Now let us see some definitions.
Confidence is a belief that future events will occur in line with ones expectations, based on familiarity and prior experience. 
Trust means conferring responsibility to and relying on a person-like entity, where you place yourself in a vulnerable position
Quality Assurance
a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.
confidence or certainty in one's own abilities
The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs, therefore quality must be built in property of any product or service.
Bottom line
For any business meeting customer expectations is very much needed to survive in this competitive world.


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