
Showing posts with the label Quality Assurance

What is Quality Assurance

In this blog I would like to present what is quality assurance. Before understanding the concept of quality assurance let us explore the generic buying process of any customer. Every  customer would like to purchase any of goods or article. In this case a customer is having certain, clear or defined expectations that it would fulfill his/ her requirements. Say for example if our customer would like to purchase smartphone. in this case the expectation is communication and device must be useful for multi purpose. As we all experience the uses of smartphone in current World and the smart phone is a device used  for the communication, socializing, financial transactions, gaming knowledge, taking photographs, vedios, sharing and also caring with greatest reliable durability. if I convert the paragraph into quality terminology these requirements or expectations will be known as specifications. As a whole if I group the above paragraph into two different specifications one is the device must