What is PDCA Cycle

In this blog, I am going to discuss basic fundamental processPDCA Cycle, which is being used by  Quality Assurance.
PDCA cycle is having another alternative names  which were given in the following paragraph.
PDCA, sometimes called PDSA, the "Deming Wheel," or "Deming Cycle," was developed by renowned management consultant Dr William Edwards Deming in the 1950s. Deming himself called it the "Shewhart Cycle," as his model was based on an idea from his mentor, Walter Shewhart.
From name it can be understandable that it is having four faces if a elaborate PDCAplan-do-check-act and most essentially it must be remembered that it is a cyclic process which means that it helps for continual improvement in any quality system.
now I will discuss stage wise.
Before going to plan stage.
We need to understand the problem in the best possible way.
Now the question arises how could I understand the problem.
By definition the problem is meant as a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.
In other words the problem is the situation are the result which is not expected. Therefore from this meaning we could understand that there are two parameters should be written on the paper in 2 columns the first column must contain what is the requirement and the second column should contain what was happened (or not expected).


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