How to keep Analytical Systems Current and Compliant

 25 November 2024, Technology Networks published a new article titled "The Museum of Analytical Antiquities," authored by Dr. Bob McDowall, a member of the ECA Analytical Quality Control Group (AQCG) Advisory Board, and Paul Smith.

The article begins with a critical observation: Many laboratories have "working analytical systems purchased back in the mists of time but have obsolete operating systems and/or instrument applications that have not been updated since initial qualification and validation." This reluctance to update stems from the misconception that revalidation is a costly and cumbersome process. Consequently, laboratories avoid software upgrades, leading to potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities and compliance issues.

Unlike physical instruments, software doesn't degrade over time. However, it requires regular updates to address, for example application enhancements, error and security fixes or outdated software. For instance, Microsoft’s planned discontinuation of support for Windows 10 in October 2025 highlights the urgency for laboratories to transition to Windows 11 or adopt more modern platforms. Ignoring such changes can leave systems vulnerable and non-compliant with evolving standards.

The article emphasizes the importance of staying current with software updates and modernizing laboratory systems. By doing so, organizations can ensure data integrity, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency, while avoiding the "Museum of Analytical Antiquities" that hinder progress. Through a thoughtful discussion, McDowall and Smith advocate for a proactive approach, because "it is much easier to have small incremental upgrades which are easier to handle, rather than major projects if left too long."


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